I won the most wonderful and generous giveaway I have ever entered. It was from Barbara over on her blog,
To Stitch or Not to Stitch. As you can see below, I won
Blackberry Lane Designs Goblins on Parade (c) 2010, a quilted Halloween fabric mat, a large scented candle from Reflections (Sugar Cookies - smells absolutely yummy), a jar filled with candy corn (but the most wonderful part was the stitchy piece on top of the jar), and a wonderful Halloween stitched ornament.

I so love the jar with the stitched owl on top. I love, love, love getting finished things and Barbara's finishes are EXCELLENT!

The Halloween Pumpkin ornament is so much more beautiful than this pitiful blurry picture shows. It's just wonderful!

Barbara, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I am so very lucky to have won your giveaway!
Thanks for stopping by,