My name is Cath ryn and I am
th e designer for Blueladie Designs. I h ave been
designing since October of 2002. I
started th is blog wh en
I discovered blogs and th eir value of
communicating and sh aring with
oth ers with
same likes and interests.
My blog is mostly cross stitch
th emed as I love cross stitch ing
and designing ch arts. It does, h owever,
involve oth er topics from time to time.
To celebrate th is event, I
am h aving a giveaway – your ch oice
of 1 (one) item eith er from th e
Blueladie Designs website (link above) or my Stash
sales (links also above). Please leave a
comment along with your email address. :) I h ope
your visit h ere is enjoyable.
Th ank you so very much
for stopping by. I appreciate it.
Cath ryn