Friday, December 31, 2010
Blogaversary WINNER!
The Winner is TRICIA!!! I assigned numbers to the posters and picked a number from a cup. Tricia, please email me your addy so I can send your prize. Also, you may choose any chart from the Blueladie Designs website. The expiration for this is January 31st. So you have a month to choose. Just email me your choice and I will send it to you.
Thank you to those who played site unseen and my apologies for not posting what the prize was. I plead 'old timers' and a NEW GRANDCHILD! :D
God Bless!
and thanks for stopping by,
Saturday, December 25, 2010
She's HERE!!!
at 12:53 pm Christmas Day
21 inches long.
Mom and baby are wonderful!!!
(and Dad survived too!)
Thank you so much one and all!
Merry Christmas
God Bless!
Please keep us in your thoughts & prayers (as she is diabetic).
God Bless!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas!
May your blessings be great
and your troubles be small!
Thanks for stopping by,
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Stitchy Update
The chart for this is available on the Blueladie Designs website.
I hope you all have a happy stitchy Christmas!!!
Thanks for stopping by,
Sunday, December 12, 2010
I just noticed my blogaversary is coming up in 19 days! I am rooting around in stash land and Blueladie Designs land to come up with a prize for this auspicious occasion! When I find something, I will post it. Until then, if you would like a head start on entering, become a follower and post a comment with your email addy. Hmmmmm what to pick, what to pick????
Thanks for stopping by,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
ALSO, Look for NEW Blueladie Designs charts at the Festival!
Blessings on you and yours and
Thanks for stopping by,
Monday, December 6, 2010
News Update
I have just learned that due to circumstances beyond Counted Wishes control, the February Festival has been cancelled. Onward and upward.
Let us keep people in need physically and emotionally at this time of year (and always) in our prayers. Thanks!
Look for more Blueladie Designs coming soon. A new release every month. :)
God Bless
Thanks for stopping by,
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
December 1st
It was snowing in Kentucky this morning and it was a lovely enjoyable sight. I played Christmas music and worked on designs at my computer while glancing now and then out the window. What a great way to spend time. I'm looking forward to the next Counted Wishes Festival February 1-7. :)
Take care all and God bless your December days.
Thanks for stopping by,
Sunday, November 28, 2010
It's That Time Again!
I have also begun to work on submissions for the Counted Wishes Festival coming up in February. I hope you will save some of your Christmas monies for the exciting NEW designs that will be released then (February 1-7, 2011).
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and your Christmas will be truly blessed!
God Bless!
Thanks for stopping by,
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am so grateful for my followers and your wonderful comments over the years. You support me and keep me going. I love my blog and I love my followers!
Thank you! AND
Thank you for stopping by,
God Bless!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Been a While! :(
As always, my stitching was a true gift for my sanity.
I finished Pumpkin Hollow Farm by Little House Needleworks 2 or 3 weeks ago. I didn't have access to my camera at that time. I just took these pictures last night.
I am currently working on all of my Little House Needleworks ornaments for my grandchildren. :) As always this designer's pieces are a pleasure to stitch! :)
It will be a while before I can finish them so I thought I'd post my progress. I have an ornament every year for each grandchild and will give the ornaments to them when they turn 18. Then they will have a start on decorations for their Christmas tress.
I'm currently working on #10 "Under the Tree". Just started that one so I guess I am really behind as that should have been finished in October. However, I am catching up! :)
As always - Thanks for stopping by,
Love, hugs & prayers,
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Blueladie Designs Newsletter
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Here's Another!
AT Willow Tree Pond.
Thanks for stopping by,
Monday, October 18, 2010
Stitching Update
Sunday, October 10, 2010
I've Started ...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A Finish and an update
Saturday, October 2, 2010
It's Out!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tomorrow is...
Thanks for stopping by,
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wedding Yesterday
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Do you know what's happening with copyrights?
You are going to be hearing a lot about this blog and the writings that will be posted. This is serious so as a designer, I have to ask your help. Fighting copyright infringements takes a lot of man/woman power!
Go to the blog, read it and sign up to follow. Post it to your blogs, your Facebook pages and Twitter. Put it everywhere.
The statistics that will be posted will and should alarm every one of us as illegal uploading and downloading is increasing at a fevered pitch. It is so bad that it threatens the not-too-distant future of our industry.
Please show your support by signing on. And as honest stitchers who pay for your charts, you should be right on the front line with us designers.
Thank you.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Have you entered?????
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I Won!
Thank you Barb!!!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sad to Say
I know myself, being retired, money is tight. I depend on my very small sales to order stash that I want and could not otherwise have. Other designers depend on their craft to support their household finances.
Let us in a good Christian manner 'do unto others as we would want them to do to us.' Sharing is a good thing, but only if the item belongs to us. Sharing what another sells to make a living is hurtful.
Think about it.
thanks for stopping by -- and --
God Bless You for supporting our needlework craft!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It's Out!
If you aren't on the newsletter mailing list and would like to be, just send me an email (link to the right under the slideshow) with 'Newsletter' in the subject line and your email address in the body.
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Finish
Thanks for stopping by,
Thursday, August 12, 2010
MY Lucky Day!!! Friday the 13th
(I'm going to buy a lottery ticket today! Wish me luck!)
Thanks for stopping by,
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Thank You!
My new designs (pictured in slide show to your right) are still available at the Blueladie Designs website on the "New" page.
Thanks for stopping by,
Friday, August 6, 2010
Tomorrow is the LAST DAY (Aug 7)
Thanks for attending y'all!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Counted Wishes Festival!!!!
Please take some time to visit us! You can find us on the web here!
thanks for stopping by,
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Blueladie Designs Newsletter
Have a great weekend!!!
Thanks for stopping by,
Friday, July 30, 2010
The rest of you! Guess what! YOU WIN, TOO!!! Yes, you heard right. You all get a gift certificate for $3.00 to Blueladie Designs website! How cool is that!!! You can choose from over 150 charts listed at $3. Have fun shopping! Contact me and I will verify you entered and send you your GC number. When you are ready to choose, you can email me with your choice and your GC number and I will email you the PDF chart! How fun is that! Everyone wins! I LOVE those kinds of Contests!!!!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Recent Finishes
My Prairie Schooler "All You Can Eat":
All of them together plus Little House Needleworks "He's A Flake", "Pear Tree" and starting on "Snowy Pines":
I have to find somewhere I can get some felt online. If any of you know a place, please email me.
Thanks for stopping by,
God Bless
Friday, July 16, 2010
Great Online Opportunity from Counted Wishes Festival
• shading,
• borders, and
• different basic patterns
in 3 beautiful projects-
• a round luggage tag,
• photo album,
• and a checkbook cover.
A great value at only $20.00 and easily worked into your schedule! Since the class is on-line and the lessons are sent via email, there really isn't a particular time for it. Discussion goes on in the Yahoo group, so that can be done according to the attendee's schedule as well.
Visit Counted Wishes Festival for photos and registration details.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
It's My Birthday Giveaway!
From left clockwise: Itty Bitty Santa Beard by Twisted Threads, Purr-Dicament by Margaret Sherry, Snowman Kit by Rico Design, Zweigart 32ct Lugana in Amsterdam Blue fabric (behind the snowman), Key chain (for cross stitch), Durasharp scissors, Easter Egg hanging tuck with Easter Egg & bunny charms.
To win, all you have to do is add a comment to THIS post (leave your email addres IN the post). You have until the end of the month to enter. Once per person. :) Good Luck!
Thanks for stopping by,
PS ... Don't worry if you don't see your comment right away! I approve all comments to avoid Spamming. :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Almost Here!
Janet Perry is offering an online course.
All the designers have a special festival offering.
Look for a 'goodie bag' to be offered also!
Lots of fun and exciting things to look forward to!
Check it out at Counted Wishes Festival!
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Blueladie Designs Newsletter
Remember to thank a vet or current military personnel and their families for their service to our country and for our FREEDOM! July 4th coming soon!
thanks so much for stopping by,
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Learn the simple and historic needlework of Blackwork in this class from Janet Perry of Napa Needlepoint
a.. The round luggage tag will show different basic Blackwork patterns.
b.. The photo album will have different Blackwork borders.
c.. The checkbook cover will teach shading in Blackwork.
All three projects are stitched in silk or perle cotton on 14 count Aida (those wishing to try Blackwork on needlepoint canvas can do so). You can finish each of the projects yourself for delightful presents or to treat yourself.
Three lessons, beginning August 1, 2010, are $20.
I appreciate your support for this event!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Please Remember
thanks for stopping by,
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Mississippi Riverboat Finish
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Happy Stitching!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Stitching update on WIP
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Stitching Update
Monday, May 10, 2010
Stitching Update
I've also been keeping a few stitches in My Big Toe's "Serenity Prayer".
Also here's a bit of a close-up of "Serenity".
I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day. I know I did. Have a terrific stitchy week.
Thanks for stopping by,
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Blueladie Designs Newsletter
Have a good weekend. Stay safe.
Thanks for stopping by,
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Another Terrific Giveaway...
Thanks for stopping by,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I WON!!!
Thanks for stopping by,
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Stitching Hung and We are Enjoying it!
Monday, April 12, 2010
There is a wonderful giveaway on Vicky's blog (Nutmegger Stitcher's Works)!!! You can check it out here. Lot's of nice stitchy stuff she's chosen for her BIRTHDAY! Please wish her a happy birthday and carefully read her rules on her April 12 post. Happy Birthday Vicky! And many more happy ones!!!
Thanks for stopping by.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Happy Easter!
I have appropriately finished my Little House Needleworks piece by Diane Williams from the Just Cross Stitch magazine. It is stitched on 32ct Silkweavers Reflections limited edition color (it's a kind of sparkly lavender pink), the rest is as the chart instructions called for. It was a joy to stitch during this lenten season.
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Easter.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Blueladie Designs Newsletter
If you aren't on the mailing list and would like to be, just email me (link to the right) with "Newsletter" in the subject line and your email address in the body.
Happy Stitching!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Monday - Monday
Stitching: I finished part 1 of the SMO 4 Season Fatties. (haven't got a picture yet). I need to work on the March jar from the same designer.
I went back to stitching on my Lenten piece by Little House Needleworks, "He Is Risen" from Just Cross Stitch magazine- their most recent issue as of this date.
In my UFO pile I still have Serenity by My Big Toe and Cantata by Whispered in the Wind.
Next I would like to start Sunflower Inn by Little House Needleworks. I won it in a contest and IRIS so generously granted my wish for the floss for this project. I'm itching to get at it! LOL. So many projects too little time!!!
Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Monday.
Thanks for stopping by,
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I Got An Award!
I received the award from one of my favorite designers (Blue Ribbon Designs), Belinda the Sampler Girl. Check out her blog. You won't be sorry. Now on to my responsibilities for receiving this award. PIF (Pay/Pass it Forward).
1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
2. Pass the award to 12 bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
So, here are my twelve nominees (in no special order)...all of who are positive and creative with their blog posts...all of whom inspire me!
1. Plum Street Samplers
2. Little House Needleworks
3. Stitches by Carin
4. Stitching With Iris
5. Stitching Obsession II
6. Raggedy Stitcher's Blog
7. Cross Stitches and Kitty Kisses
8. Sue's Stitching
9. Just Julie
10. Ma vie en rose
11. Scattered Threads
12. With My Needle
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I Finished!!!
This is a close-up of 'The West Coast':
and here is 'The Southwest':
Next comes 'The Mountains':
and my part of the country, 'The Midwest':
and finally with some of my favorite colors, 'The East Coast':
Thank you Diane of Little House Needleworks. I can't even begin to tell you how much it meant to me to stitch this piece.
Thanks all for looking and following my journey.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Stitching Update
Monday, February 8, 2010
Blueladie Designs First Newsletter!
Blueladie Designs Newsletter Vol. 1 Issue 1.
February 8, 2010
Dear Stitchers,
Here it is February and the Counted Wishes Festival was a success! If you didn’t visit, you missed a lot of fun. If you were there, I sincerely hope you enjoyed it and participated in the fun. There were a lot of mystery packages, games, a class and prizes galore.
If you missed it and are having stitcher’s regret, don’t worry you will have another chance in August. More details later.
As you can see I have decided to create a newsletter for the Blueladie Designs followers. I hope you will benefit from it and enjoy it.
Part 2 of the Mystery Sampler is now up and available for SAL followers to stitch and enjoy. If you have any pictures, please send them to me at I would be happy to post them on the Mystery Sampler page for all to see your stitching!
If you haven’t noticed, there are new designs on the “New” page. This year I will be releasing the 12 Days of Christmas in my own special version. There is a bargain if you choose to subscribe to the auto-mailer of these designs. You will also find information regarding the auto-mailer on the “New” page. As always, you save money by purchasing my PDF charts. There are no printing charges, postage charges, handling fees, etc. You also have the instant gratification of receiving your chart immediately instead of waiting on and harassing the poor postman! LOL!
I have also added a Valentine on the “New” page for those of you who are interested.
This first newsletter is free (no subscription required). If you would like to subscribe (if you aren’t a member of the Blueladie Designs Yahoo Group-who receive it), please send your name and email addy to with Newsletter in the subject line. There is no charge for the newsletter.
Here is a freebie chart for hanging in there and reading this far. Happy Stitching!

© BLD 2010 - Please do not copy or share this chart.
DMC: 321(heart outline), 335(next darkest shade inside heart), 776(lightest shade inside heart), 5200 (white)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Update on My Stitching
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Stitching Update
Friday, January 15, 2010
My Stitching Update
Here's what I've been working on:
Thanks for stopping by,