
Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Bingo Game at KYKS

Bingo starts January 5th.  Don't miss out!!!  Click on the KYKS button at the top of the page, join the group and go to the Bingo forum for rules about what you should do to participate.  The choices to make your 'bingo card' from are in one of the messages.  We know how to have fun!!!!

Again, don't miss it!


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Stitching Update

This is where I am with the Little House Needleworks ABC samplers.  I am now working on OPQ (bottom right) LMN is on the bottom left.

Hope your Christmas holiday was blessed and joyous!

Hugs & prayers,

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Everywhere Everywhere Christmas Tonight

My annual post:

A Christmas Carol
Words: Bishop Phillips Brooks (1835-1893)
Source: Phillips Brooks, Christmas Songs and Easter Carols (New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1903).
The links to Brooks and Redner open in new windows at an external site.

Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas to-night!
Christmas in lands of the fir tree and pine,
Christmas in lands of the palm tree and vine;
Christmas where snow-peaks stand solemn and white,
Christmas where corn-fields lie sunny and bright;
    Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas to-night.

Christmas where children are hopeful and gay,
Christmas where old men are patient and gray,
Christmas where peace, like a dove in its flight,
Broods o'er brave men in the thick of the fight;
    Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas to-night.

For the Christ-child who comes is the Master of all,
No place too great and no cottage too small;
The Angels who welcome Him sing from the height,
"In the city of David, a King in His might."
    Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas to-night.

Then let every heart keep its Christmas within
Christ's pity for sorrow, Christ's hatred for sin.
Christ's care for the weakest, Christ's courage for right,
Christ's dread of the darkness, Christ's love of the light.
    Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas to-night.

So the stars of the midnight which compass us round
Shall see a strange glory, and hear a sweet sound,
And cry, "Look! the earth is aflame with delight,
O sons of the morning, rejoice at the sight."
    Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas to-night.

(Boston: Parish Choir, 1916), Carol 368

Sunday, December 11, 2016

My Blogiversary is Coming - GIVEAWAY!

I am giving away the two charts just below that I have stitched by Little House Needleworks.  You must be a 'follower' of this blog to enter.  The charts are Poinsettia and Joy and Peace.  They are quick to do and fun.  You can start on next Christmas.  I will be drawing a winner at the end of the month.  Good Luck!  :D

Blessings on your Sunday.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Another Stitching Finish

for a Christmas card.

Little House Needleworks "Joy and Peace"

Hope you are enjoying your holiday season.  I know I am.

Wishing you "Joy and Peace".


Monday, November 28, 2016

In-between Stitching

While I'm waiting for the arrival of LHN's OPQ from the sampler pillow series, I stitched this LHN Poinsettia from her ornament series.  I'm going to put it in a Christmas card.  :)

Hope you all have a wonderful week!  :D


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

May your blessings be abundant.
I am grateful that you follow my blog.  Thank you!

Hugs & prayers,

Monday, November 21, 2016

Bingo at KYKS Group

Bingo starts on the 25th.  Don't miss out!!!  Click on the KYKS button at the top of the page, join the group and go to the Bingo forum for rules about what you should do to participate.  The choices to make your 'bingo card' from are in one of the messages.  We know how to have fun!!!!

Again, don't miss it!


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Stitching Update

This is where I am so far.   This is a pretty little house too.

Have a great Sunday!   Back to my stitching and movies.


Stitching Update

This is where I am so far.   This is a pretty little house too.

Have a great Sunday!   Back to my stitching and movies.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Again Last Night

I stitched more on LMN from Little House Needleworks ABC samplers.  :D

Sorry the picture is so bad, but the progress amount is shown since the previous night.  I really am enjoying these and I love the way they are turning out.  When it's all completed, I'll try to get a better picture.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Love, prayers & stitches,

Monday, November 14, 2016

Stitching Update

Started on LMN (by LHN) and here's what it looks like so far:

Have a stitchy Monday!

P.S.  I just realized the picture here is backwards.  LOL

Thursday, November 10, 2016

WOW! Two Posts in One Day!!!

These charts are all available now on my website.  Click here

Have a terrific day!

Making Steady Progress

And really loving it.  Just finished IJK last night and started LMN (which I didn't take a pic of).

It's a shame that the colors don't show.  They are really nice.  :)

Have a peaceful day.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Stitching.... the bigger picture

Here's where I am with the LHN ABC sampler.  Working on IJK now.  :)

Have a GREAT Halloween everyone!  Enjoy your day.  Stitching away in Kentucky.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I Started Next One

Started IJK last night.  Not much to see so no pictures.  But I am looking forward to stitching this one too.  :)

Hope your week is making you smile and is and will be blessed.


Thursday, October 20, 2016


LHN FGH is finished.   (Except for a few stitches in the birds' breasts that I forgot. )

Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Stitching update ļ

 sorry for the horrible picture. But I wanted to get this update on the web. I'm having a bit of trouble with my regular data account so I'm doing all this by my phone. I really am enjoying this 3rd lhn project.  Cathryn

Friday, October 14, 2016

Reached my limit ;)

Well, last night at about 11:30PM I reached my limit and had to stop stitching.  Here is my progress:

Didn't get to finish my house, but that will happen tonight.

I'll have to find some good TV to accompany this wonderful stitching (fun not exactly talented).

It's Friday!  I'm retired, but I still celebrate Friday the way I celebrate Christmas!  The child in me just can't give up these things!

God Bless!  May your Friday hold some wonderful things and be an enjoyable day!


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Stitching Pic

I have finished the lawn on FGH and have started the house.  I love the golden color of the house (Classic Colorworks Honeycomb) that's why I went from the green lawn to stitching the house.  When I'm finished with the house I will go back and stitch the white parts you see on the lawn.  I am stitching this as all once piece (3 motifs by 3 motifs) that's why you see a little bit of the DE house I just finished.

Thank you for following this stitching with me and leaving comments.  I sure do appreciate it.

I hope your Thursday is whatever you want it to be.  :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

No pics today...

The last couple of nights I've just been working on the lawn of the next ABC sampler (E F G).  So there's nothing much to show.  Perhaps tonight I'll make a little more progress.

I'm going to dig out my LHN ornaments that I stitched from the first year they did the yearly ornaments and finish them up.  I've got some blank cards coming and some wood coasters.  I hope it will work with what I've planned.  :-o

I hope your Wednesday is a good one and works out to exactly what you want it to be.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Finished DE from LHN

last night.  This one went quickly.  :D

This pic shows a little more of the fabric color and the greens.  :)  Now on to FGH.  Oh BTW... did you notice the tiny weeny little bunnies on the lawn?  I didn't know what they were until I had finished that area.  LMBO!

I hope your coffee/tea is hot and delicious and your Monday is blessed.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Last night's progress...

I like this one too, but all the parts that look aqua in the picture are really green.  This one is really shades of green and gold.  :)

Hope your Sunday is going spectacularly!


P.S.  Donna, yes I am using the colors called for in the chart.  I love the Classic Colorworks threads.  :)

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Moving Right Along

My stitching is progressing nicely.  I love these sets of charts.  I am disappointed with the pictures I'm sharing it doesn't show the warm latte color of the fabric and the wonderful Autumny colors of the threads.

Hope your Saturday is just what you want it to be.  Have a great weekend and a wonderful holiday (Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday) weekend to my Canadian Friends!  ♥


Friday, October 7, 2016

Stitching LHN's DE

Made some progress in the last two nights.  I'm happy with it.  Hope your needles are flying and you have a great start to your weekend!  :D

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


my stitching last night.  .  I started on "D E" LHN Monday night, but yesterday we went grocery shopping and it just wiped me out.  Could have something to do with the fact that my oxygen wasn't turned on through the whole shopping trip.    When we got home, put everything away, did a few things on my computer... then all of a sudden I just felt an energy drain and that was that!

I hope your stitching was more successful than mine.  Have a great 'hump' day!


Monday, October 3, 2016

Look What I Did Today!

I had a hard time finding a frame for LHN Four Corners.  I finally found a tray that was on clearance that fit it perfectly.  I am such a happy camper!!!  Here it is:

I am so pleased with this.  This will sit on my bed next to me when I need something stable to set things on.  (BTW it is glass covered too.)  Also just to look at and admire my handiwork!  :D

Thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, October 2, 2016


I finished my LHN ABC.  Now on to the next one.  :)

Saturday, October 1, 2016

First Day of October!

LOVE IT!!!  :D

My newsletter has gone out and I am a happy camper.  Did you get yours?  If you want to know how to subscribe click on my website link above.

Have a GREAT day!!!


Friday, September 30, 2016

Last Day of September

Day outside is grey and gloomy.  Somehow I am glad to see September go, don't know why.  Perhaps it is because I enjoy the next three months most of all.

Last night I worked on my LHN ABC.  Got a bit more done.  I am enjoying stitching it.  :)

Sorry the picture is so blurry.  But it was the best I could do at the time.

Hope your needles are flying and you are enjoying this last day of September and looking forward to the remainder of the year.


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Bingo Anyone?

Come join our group!!!  (KYKS link at top of page)

We have an ongoing Bingo.  There is a PRIZE!  When someone wins, they take over and another game begins as soon as they are ready!  It's so much fun so...


Cathryn  :)

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Good Sunday to you!

This is how far I've gotten with ABC.  It was a rough start, but my own fault because I changed my mind on what to do with it and had to rip out most of what I stitched.  :)

Oh well... that's me.

Now that I'm down to the house part, I am really enjoying it.  The picture doesn't do it justice, the fabric is mocha and the colors are warm and I really like them.

I hope your Sunday is peaceful and filled with contentment.


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Happy Saturday!

I successfully got a few stitches in my ABC part of the LHN ABC samplers.  I'm pretty happy with myself.  Slowly but surely I'll get there.

What do you do for fun?  Well, I'd like to invite you  to our next Bingo game at our KYKS group.  All you have to do is join (The link to the group is at the top of the page), go to the Bingo forum, read the rules for our games, choose your picks and forward them to the appropriate individuals.  It's always a lot of fun!!!  Don't miss out this time!!!  :D


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hi All!!!

How's your stitching going?  I'm working on LHN ABC sampler.  Love LHN!!!  I'm afraid I'm in a stitching slump, though, through no fault of many talented designers!

I want to thank you all for attending the Counted Wishes Festival and to the generous people who placed orders during that time.  My little design hobby doesn't sell a great deal, but these orders came at a most opportune time. I hope you enjoy stitching them and please don't forget about my monthly newsletters which always have a freebie in them.  Since the October doodle didn't do well at the festival I'm going to include it in the October newsletter.  You can subscribe to the newsletter here.

Oh yes, and please don't forget about my September giveaway.  There's only a few days left to enter for this great prize!  Rules and post for this giveaway can be seen here.

Have a wonderful week everyone!!!

Cathryn  :D

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016


15 years later and the horror of that day still haunts us.  I remember driving through McDonalds for a cold drink for DH and I and hearing it on the radio and being in so much shock... well there were just no words.  And it didn't end there and still hasn't.  The repercussions of that day followed for days, months and years after that event.  Some of us still will #NeverForget.

Also let us #NeverForget the horrible tragedy of Benghazi.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

September Giveaway!

Have you ever purchased duplicates of your stitching? Well you are going to benefit from this one. As I was cleaning shelves yesterday I saw TWO copies of the JCS 2013 Halloween issue. The funny part is, I almost bought another one!  So here it is for your pleasure, the 2013 JCS Halloween issue.

Winner will be announced October 1st.
The Rules are:

All you have to do is post a message to the contest entry message (September Giveaway) in the CONTESTS entry forum in the following linked group:


You have to join to post messages BUT if you enjoy my designs you might want to hang around and be a group member. My new monthly designs that you may have seen on my blog or in my newsletter are free during the month of new release in the above linked group. That's right FREE! We also have a bingo game with a prize which is ongoing. There are also other spontaneous contests with prizes and activities you will enjoy. So don't miss the fun! Iris C. and I are co-owners and would be excited and happy to have you in our group.

If you win this prize:
You have one month to furnish me your address, otherwise you forfeit your prize.

Don't miss the fun! Click on the above KYKS link now! :D


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Hope Your Labor Day Weekend

is treating you well and you have lots of wonderful plans for fun things to do.  I have some stitching on my list.  That and looking out my pretty window at the pretty zinnias my darling husband planted.  :)

My Blueladie Designs newsletter went out a couple of days ago.  I hope you got yours.  If not, click on my Blueladie Designs website link above and read on the homepage how to subscribe.  (Oh yes, and I've started to include it in the KYKS group too so there's another place to get it without subscribing!  You have to join our group, but it's a lovely group with lots of fun things to do.  Come, join and contribute.  It makes it even more fun!)

Penny, Killer, PJ and Boots (our 4 cats) have taken over the house and made it their personal mess.  You know... fun cat things like knocking everything down on the floor from wherever it was nicely put up.  Also fun to make the furniture scratching posts even though there are appropriate spots for that just for kitties.    I love them dearly... but...  :{   DH thought I needed a cat.  He brought home a pregnant one (unbeknownst to him).  That cat (Penny) had 4 kittens.  We were able to find a good home for 1 of them, but the other 3 remained and now I'm too attached.  My last cat lived for 19 years so I'm afraid these cats will outlive me.   :(

It's a very pleasant 57*F here this morning.  My coffee tastes especially good and it's a peaceful with most (just DH really) of the household still asleep.  The cats of course are into something new every time I go to the kitchen for coffee.  :)

DH went dove hunting yesterday and the day before he went and last night when he got home he was in a great mood.  It was such a relief because lately we've had Murphy and his law staying with us.  (You know... whatever can go wrong does.)  Which makes for a grumpy DH.  So I hope his improved mood will last another few days.  Maybe the cooler weather will help, although I hear we're in store for a few more 90*ones next week.  :(

Well, I have a few things to do before I can stitch.

Take care y'all.  Be good to yourselves and to one another.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Would You Like....

to play Bingo with our group?  If you win, you not only get a prize but you are in charge of the next game.  It's so much fun.  Our little group of stitchers does more than just stitching but it's what brought us together.

Go here:


join the group and go to the forum marked Bingo.  Read the rules and PLAY!  Iris and I are co-owners and would love to have your company along with all of our other members.  (We'd also like to see your stitching and any other crafts you do.)

Don't miss it!  Bingo starts 8/22/16!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

August Giveaway


Lizzie*Kate's Sunshine Sampler.  (My apologies for the bad pictures, but at this time it's the best I can do).  The top right picture is a pic of the entire front of the chart.  On on the left and below it are close ups of the smaller pics on the front.  It comes with 3 teeny tiny charms that were included with the chart.

Winner will be announced September 1st.
The Rules are:

All you have to do is post a message to the contest entry message (August Giveaway) in the CONTESTS entry forum in the following linked group:


You have to join to post messages BUT if you enjoy my designs you might want to hang around and be a group member.  My new monthly designs that you may have seen on my blog or in my newsletter are free during the month of new release in the above linked group.  That's right FREE!  We also have a bingo game with a prize which is ongoing. There are also other spontaneous contests with prizes and activities you will enjoy.  So don't miss the fun!  Iris C. and I are co-owners and would be excited and happy to have you in our group.  :)

If you win this prize:
You have one month to furnish me your address, otherwise you forfeit your prize.

Don't miss the fun!  Click on the above KYKS link now!  :D


Monday, August 1, 2016

Lots of Exciting Things Going On!

My Blueladie Designs Newsletter went out this morning.  :D

Also the KYKS group announced the July Giveaway winner!  You can find out who won here in the Contests section.

Someone also just won the Bingo game and will be responsible for hosting the next one.  Pay attention to the Bingo section to see when it begins and the rules for the game.

We know how to have a good time.  Don't miss out!  Join Iris and I (co-owners of the group) in the KYKS forum now!  :D


Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Blueladie Designs Newsletter

goes out tomorrow.  Don't miss it.  See my WEBSITE to see how to join the mailing list.  :)

Happy Stitching y'all.


Friday, July 15, 2016


Please, God, heal our world and protect us from evil.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

JULY Giveaway


Your choice of either 1)Told in a Garden The Barnraising (top) OR 2)Told in a Garden The Harvest (bottom).

Winner will be announced August 1st.
The Rules are:

All you have to do is post a message to the contest entry message (July Giveaway) in the CONTESTS entry forum in the following linked group:


You have to join to post messages BUT if you enjoy my designs you might want to hang around and be a group member.  My new monthly designs that you may have seen on my blog or in my newsletter are free during the month of release in the above linked group.  That's right FREE!  We also have a bingo game with a prize which is ongoing. There are also other spontaneous contests with prizes and activities you will enjoy.  So don't miss the fun!  Iris C. and I are co-owners and would be excited and happy to have you in our group.  :)

If you win:
You have one month to furnish me your address, otherwise you forfeit your prize.

Don't miss the fun!  Click on the above KYKS link now!  :D


Friday, June 17, 2016

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Just Asking...

If any of you know of someone who could knit a prayer shawl.  I'm not sure if it's for a man or a woman yet, but I've been asked so I'm passing along the question to you.  If you know of anyone or would be willing to do it, please contact me at my email.

Thanks so much for considering this.
Also prayers would be appreciated for a special couple going through some trying times.  Thank you.

hugs & prayers,

Monday, June 13, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Blueladie Designs Newsletter

went out this morning.  Did you get yours?  Subscribing information?  Get it on the Blueladie Designs website.

Have a great day!


Monday, May 30, 2016

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 2016 Giveaway

Winner will be announced June 1st.
The Rules are:

All you have to do is post a message to the contest entry message (May Giveaway) in the CONTESTS entry forum in the following linked group:


You have to join to post messages BUT if you enjoy my designs you might want to hang around and be a group member. My new monthly designs that you may have seen on my blog or in my newsletter are free during the month of release in the above linked group. That's right FREE! We also have a bingo game with a prize which is ongoing. There are also other spontaneous contests with prizes and activities you will enjoy. So don't miss the fun! Iris C. and I are co-owners and would be excited and happy to have you in our group.  :)

Don't miss the fun! Click on the above KYKS link now!  :D


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Blueladie Designs Newsletter

went out this morning.  Did you get yours?  Want to subscribe?  Go to my website (link at top of page) and get details on how.

Have a blessed Sunday!
Cathryn :D

Friday, April 1, 2016

Blueladie Designs Newsletter

went out this morning.  Hope  you got yours.  To join and get a free chart included in every newsletter, click on my website link above to learn how to receive the newsletter.

Have a terrific weekend!!!  :D


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Blog Giveaway

My giveaway is a bit late this month so I will 
PS Bk 87 Christmas Trees II
be extending the deadline to April 30th.  The rules for the giveaway are:  (Please read)

The Prairie Schooler's
Book No. 87
Christmas Trees II

Winner will be announced May 1st.
The Rules are:

All you have to do is post a message to the contest entry message (February Giveaway) in the CONTESTS entry forum in the following linked group:


You have to join to post messages BUT if you enjoy my designs you might want to hang around and be a group member.  My new monthly designs that you may have seen on my blog or in my newsletter are free during the month of release in the above linked group.  That's right FREE!  We also have a bingo game with a prize which is ongoing. There are also other spontaneous contests with prizes and activities you will enjoy.  So don't miss the fun!  Iris C. and I are co-owners and would be excited and happy to have you in our group.  :)

Don't miss the fun!  Click on the above KYKS link now!  :D


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Blueladie Designs Newsletter

is out!  To get yours, see my website link above.  :)


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Good Saturday Morning!

Loving sitting here at my desk with the sun streaming beautifully outside my window and very cheerful indeed.  Hope your Saturday is filled with lovely to do lists and satisfying stitching!

I'm working on the final touches of my newsletter to go out on Super Tuesday (March 1st).  Hope you are subscribed (see my website- link above -for instructions on how to receive it).  There is yet another cute freebie tucked inside that I'm sure you will enjoy stitching.

Also, don't forget that there are only two more days to enter for the free Lizzie*Kate chart giveaway posted on February 2nd.  Don't forget to read and follow all of the rules.  I know, I know... I hate rules, too, but the rewards are sweet!

We were lucky to have quite a few SAL entries and stitching shares this month.  Y'all were busy weren't you.  Sigh... and oh yes, ALL the delicious new charts coming out of the Nashville market.  YUM!  I know there are quite  a few that sorely tempt me.  Too bad my pocket book won't accommodate them all.

Well, back to work.  :D
Blessings on you and yours!
Love, hugs & prayers,

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February Giveaway 2016

Tiny Tidings XI

Winner will be announced March 1st.
The Rules are:

All you have to do is post a message to the contest entry message (February Giveaway) in the CONTESTS entry forum in the following linked group:


You have to join to post messages BUT if you enjoy my designs you might want to hang around and be a group member.  My new monthly designs that you may have seen on my blog or in my newsletter are free during the month of release in the above linked group.  That's right FREE!  We also have a bingo game with a prize which is ongoing. There are also other spontaneous contests with prizes and activities you will enjoy.  So don't miss the fun!  Iris C. and I are co-owners and would be excited and happy to have you in our group.  :)

Don't miss the fun!  Click on the above KYKS link now!  :D


Monday, February 1, 2016

Did You Know?

I just read Joyce's blog (link in blogs I follow section) and found out the information below.  What a surprise!  This may explain why many bloggers lost some of their followers.  I hope they find a way back.  :(

Blog Follower Information 

In 2011, we announced the retirement of Google Friend Connect for all non-Blogger sites. We made an exception for Blogger to give readers an easy way to follow blogs using a variety of accounts. Yet over time, we’ve seen that most people sign into Friend Connect with a Google Account. So, in an effort to streamline, in the next few weeks we’ll be making some changes that will eventually require readers to have a Google Account to sign into Friend Connect and follow blogs. 

As part of this plan, starting the week of January 11, we’ll remove the ability for people with Twitter, Yahoo, Orkut or other Open Id providers to sign in to Google Friend Connect and follow blogs. At the same time, we’ll remove non-Google Account profiles so you may see a decrease in your blog follower count.
We encourage you to tell affected readers (perhaps via a blog post), that if they use a non-Google Account to follow your blog, they need to sign up for a Google Account, and re-follow your blog. With a Google Account, they’ll get blogs added to their Reading List, making it easier for them to see the latest posts and activity of the blogs they follow.
We know how important followers are to all bloggers, but we believe this change will improve the experience for both you and your readers.

Posted by Michael Goddard, Software Engineer

Saturday, January 30, 2016

I'm Sending Out My Newsletter

tomorrow (1/30/16).  Don't miss it.  Has a cute little Valentine freebie in it.  To get the newsletter, see the homepage of my website (link above).

January is almost gone.  Here comes February!!!  :D


Monday, January 18, 2016

Good Morning!

from a  F R I G I D   Kentucky.  We have 5*F here with a -7*F wind chill.  I hope wherever you are you stay warm and cozy.

Giveaways will begin next month (February).  Please be sure to look for them and don't forget about BLUELADIE DESIGNS monthly SAL.  You can see rules in my newsletter for participation and chance to win a prize.

Blessings on you and yours,

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Last Day

Last Day for Blueladie Designs sale.  Ends tonight at midnight EST.  Link above to website.  Happy Shopping & Stitching!  :D


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sale Ending Soon!

If you haven't taken advantage of my sale (link above), do so soon!  Sale ends 1/16/16 at midnight EST.  Don't miss out on this incredible deal!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

1st Blueladie Designs Sale of 2016

See website (link above) for details!  Don't miss it!  I don't know how long it will last!  :D

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Blueladie Designs Newsletter

went out.  Hope you got yours; if not, go to website (link above) to find out how.

Happy New Year!

May you and yours have a blessed 2016.  :)